Early in 2017, Katrina, a volunteer for the Omega Directory, uncovered a great tragedy. A tragedy that affects all of us.

While browsing through a small, non-profit bookstore here in the Valley, she came upon Mr. Keith Costello who was also looking for some hidden book gems.  Along in years and burdened with many illnesses he had no energy to sit down for an interview, but he happily shared a few things about himself. He was an educated, religious researcher.  He had earned five degrees in religious studies and two law degrees in addition. His wife had passed away at the beginning of the year, so he was spending what time he had left with his grandchildren. Our reporter said she was impressed with his straight forward communication
and professionalism. What's the great tragedy?

No doubt he is a good man who has lived a rich life.  He has studied and learned a great deal in his decades of study.  What's the great tragedy about Keith Costello? 

1) It is likely you have never heard of this man, but for this article you never would have known of him.
2) All his knowledge, what he has learned and experience and all  his stories - will die with him.
It will all be lost forever.  We couldn't even find his name on facebook or any Google listing.  It will all be lost forever

And his will not be the only loss. Hundreds of people right here in the Valley - people who have made contributions to the metaphysical community - their memories are fading away. Soon no one will ever know they even existed.

Did you know that the electric battery, the steam engine and napalm - just to name a few - were invented thousands of years ago? But the knowledge was not written down and publicized. So it was lost and the world had to wait thousands of years to reap the benefits of these discoveries. How about the lost techniques of ancient architecture? How did they cut and move those giant stones?  All lost

What can we do about it?

Except for archaeological  research, there's not much we can do about those losses. But we can do something to prevent any more losses from occuring. And we ARE doing it.

For years, the Omega Directory.com and its sister site aznewage.info, have been acquiring and publishing data that might have otherwise been lost.

Go to www.omegadirectory.com/BIOGRAPHIES.html and you will find the names of dozens of people who should be remembered - people whose contributions should be noted.  We know their names, but not much else. 

You can do something.  If you have any information contact: rodgers@aznewagecom and tell anything you know. Anything at all.

A problem.  How are going to keep this information from vanishing once it has been collected?  By insuring that the Omega Directory and aznewage.info never die. We want to keep adding information and preserving it for decades. We need your help. You can be a volunteer and/or be a benefactor.  If you want to volunteer your time or services, call Dr. John at 602-441-4401 or to donate, go to www.gofundme.com/support-the-omega-directory

The future is depending on you.  Thanks