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 New Age Bible: The Hidden Truth Revealed  - May 1992

by Rev. Dr. John Edwin Rodgers - (Author)




The author defines the New Age, explores the beginnings of such diverse faiths as Buddhism, Christianity, Wicca, Hinduism and Judaism. Based on a lifetime of research in theology and metaphysical science, Rev. Dr. Rodgers' .unique viewpoint shows us  how the Earth's passage from one age to another is reflected in the evolution of religion,  civilization and the growth of human consciousness. grows from


Author: . A thrice-ordained minister and bishop, Rev. Dr. John Edwin Rodgers lives in Phoenix, Arizona, conducts seminary and teaches regular classes in theology. He is a pioneer in New Age spirituality and is the author of several books and hundreds of booklets and articles. His latest work is A New Heaven and a New Earth: Wisdom for a New Age.

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